Nave Cares

Nave’s Heroes

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Nave Cares Naves Heroes logo

Tell us about your hero for a chance for them to win a $100 gift card.

Heroes serve others, are brave, determined, selfless, courageous, and inspirational. How we define a hero is different for everyone. Each month, Nave Law invites the community to submit people who are CNY heroes. Once a month we will pick a winner, and that hero will receive a $100 gift card. Each December, we will share each of the winner’s stories on social media, and whoever gets the most shares will win $1,000.

Make sure your hero would want to win as if they win we will contact them to congratulate them.

Watch to learn more

Hometown heroes from police to nurses to mailman

This Month’s Hero

Naves Heroes Reggie Kelley

Reggie Kelley
Founder, Executive Director
Rise Above Poverty Syracuse

To bring community awareness and engagement to alleviate the socio-economic issues of homelessness and poverty, focusing on the Syracuse City School District by providing life essentials, educational training, and mentorship to the underserved youth in our community.
The Syracuse City School District is NO. 1 for number of homeless students in New York State outside of New York City. One in 10 Syracuse City School District students are homeless, and nearly half (44%) of Syracuse children are living in poverty.

As a result, having access to basic necessities is one of many burdens homeless and poverty-stricken students face. Lacking basic personal care prevents students from attending school, focusing on their studies, and succeeding academically and socially.

Where does Rise Above Poverty Syracuse fit into this story?

At Rise Above Poverty Syracuse, we strive to provide students the chance to advance out of poverty—a chance many people didn’t think they would.

We are a donation-based non-profit organization with two focuses:

1) Providing students living in poverty basic necessities such as underwear, soap, hygiene products, socks, and winter coats/jackets

2) Engaging the community in the discussion of the damaging effects of homelessness and poverty in Syracuse, and mobilizing the community to take actionable responses to address the growing issue.

To achieve our goals, we build strong partnerships with local schools in the Syracuse City School District and hold events and fundraisers for community engagement.

Nominate your hero!

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Our Initiatives

Ask Nave icon

Ask Nave

A weekly segment where we answer legal questions provided by community members.

Nave Heroes icon

Nave’s Heroes

A monthly initiative to honor local heroes. We allow members of the community to nominate someone who they feel is a hero in our hometown.

Naves Neighbors icon

Nave’s Neighbors

An initiative to highlight local companies that do good things throughout our neighborhood.

The Community Giveback Project icon

The Community Giveback Project

An initiative to give back to the community. Each month for essential employees in sectors within our community we will show our support by offering to handle a free traffic ticket for the hard-working people in this specific sector.

Addiction Support icon

Addiction Support

An initiative to help provide addiction resources. Addiction is a tragic issue in our community. We hope this initiative helps make treatment more readily available and help people get back to healthy and happy lives.

Scholarships icon


An initiative to help support future generations. We’re offering a scholarship to high school seniors who have overcome adversity.

Battle4Breath logo


Join the challenge where local organizations compete to raise funds for Cystic Fibrosis.

Heroes Honored
Free Legal Tips
Raised for Non-Profits